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Review: Unusual Findings

How do you fit all the 80s references into one game? Unusual Findings will show you how!


Unusual Findings is a point and click game developed by Epic Llama Games and distributed by ESDigital Games. Vinny, Nick and Tony like adventures and, in one of them, while trying to hack the television to access adult channels, they capture a mysterious broadcast. Then, they witness the fall of a flying object and go to see what happened, after all, our boys are adventurers. Then they discover that an alien is there. Our protagonists find themselves in a complicated situation, but end up taking it upon themselves to solve this problem. What will happen to them? It all depends on their choices.

Pop culture references are scattered throughout the game.
Pop culture references are scattered throughout the game.


A funny phenomenon started to happen after the release of the Stranger Things series, which is the comparison of all content created depicting the 80s with the series. All media that depicts this era is inevitably characterized as "Stranger Things style" and I think that is very unfair, especially with this game here. The developers clearly love the 80s and you notice this in many moments of the game, especially after the end of the game, where we see almost a declaration of love for the era. Maybe the theme is saturated and labeling everything under a big umbrella diminishes the value of works like this.

The story is very simple, with a script very typical of films from that era. You can easily imagine this game being a movie. The characters are very stereotypical, but still charismatic. The game is in Brazilian Portuguese, which makes it much easier for Brazilians, since it is a game with a lot of text and most of it helps direct the player and gives tips on what should be done. All the characters are very well voiced, conveying the emotion needed for each moment.

The gameplay is a classic point and click where you will have to explore each scenario and think a little to solve the challenges. It has a good level of difficulty for this type of genre, often making me rack my brains to solve some things. The game also has different endings that depend on some decisions you make during the story, which makes you want to see where these endings take you. I myself couldn't imagine any other endings.

Every homeless person is a wise man.
Every homeless person is a wise man.


Because there are different choices and endings, the achievements will require a few playthroughs if you want to complete everything. Keep in mind that the first time you play it will take longer, because everything is new, but the next times will be quicker because you know how to solve most of the challenges. Getting 100% of the achievements will be tiring, but not impossible.

Smile, you're being photographed!
Smile, you're being photographed!


Unusual Findings has great quality, since many point and click games don't manage to keep you engaged for long in terms of gameplay longevity. Just having different endings and choices is already something worthy of note. As mentioned before, it could easily be an 80s movie, which has its good side due to the nostalgia, but it doesn't bring anything new to this theme. I confess that I had to play it in small doses because I kept walking from one side to the other without really knowing how to advance, but this break between one game and another helped to continue the story. It's a very fun game, with many references to the 80s and made with a lot of love. If you like the genre, give it a chance.

SCORE: 7.5/10

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