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Review: Lunark

Writer's picture: @brunosbom@brunosbom

Which game do you remember when referring to the platform? Mario, perhaps, is the main one, right? However, this type of genre expanded and was created in such a diverse way that today we have several other styles of games within the platform genre that, sometimes, become difficult to compare with Nintendo's mustache.

Lunark is an example of this, it is clearly inspired by other great platformers such as Prince of Persia, Flashback and Another World, it presents a revitalization for the genre in its own vast and unique world, including approaching part of a dystopian future and with great potential for growth.

Created by Canari Games, a new Canadian company, they claim to be specialists in retro style games and were created by Johan Vinet, who has worked on popular games like Flinthook, Mercenary Kings Reloaded, Shovel Knight Showdown and Rivals Of Aether.

The game is available on the following platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Mac OS.


Who says indie games don't have a good story? Lunark has a well-built story around our protagonist Leo, a typical messenger who, after being sent on a mission in search of an object, realizes that someone wants to frame him. We see inspiration from Blade Runner, other classic Sci-Fi and pop culture movies.


Lunark has pixel-art graphics, with a wide variety of details and a very different color palette for each stage. The theme of the game satisfactorily combines the graphic aspect with the gaming experience. With some fast and well-crafted animations, realistic to a certain extent, the game stands out in several moments in the visual part. There are some animations that the developer made with a low-cost type of motion capture to be created that, by the way, were extremely neat.


Lunark's gameplay is simple, we have to talk to PCNs and face agility, precision and timing challenges. It is crucial to understand the dynamics of our weapon and the accuracy of its jumps in this game, since, if you miss a jump or lose all your hearts, you will be able to return to a checkpoint located at a considerable distance from the point where you were. One of the last challenges in Lunark is traversing a line of obstacles and jump in the dark challenges, which made for a very fun and challenging experience towards the end of the game.

The few bosses in the game are quite different, but in a short time, you can follow the pattern of each one of them. Most of the enemies present in the game have repetitive characteristics and are easy to overcome.

There are some glitches regarding jumping, for example, in a part of the game where my controls weren't responding properly and I was jumping to my death without having pressed any buttons.


A realização das conquistas de Lunark é, de certa forma, recompensadora, uma vez que há um grande cuidado neste ponto do jogo. Há conquistas relacionadas à história, aos coletáveis (que são poucos) e aos desafios internos do jogo. Não é tão difícil alcançar todas as conquistas de Lunark, talvez a única que você tenha que enfrentar seja a Invisible Man, onde você precisa passar praticamente todo o capítulo sem ser visto pelos guardas e lasers. Em geral, o jogo é bastante caprichado em relação a isso.



Accomplishing the Lunark achievements is somewhat rewarding, as great care is taken at this point in the game. There are achievements related to the story, the collectibles (which are few) and the internal challenges of the game.

It's not that difficult to reach all of Lunark's achievements, perhaps the only one you'll have to face is Invisible Man, where you'll have to pass practically the entire chapter without being seen by guards and lasers. Overall, the game is pretty neat in that regard.

Review on Gamertag: Scoulz

SCORE: 80/100

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