Full backpack is always hell to look for something, but in Backpack Hero packing your luggage is extremely necessary.
Backpack Hero is a roguelike game developed by Jaspel and distributed by IndieArk, Different Tales and Jaspel. Braving dungeons with your trusty backpack, Backpack Hero puts you in the role of an adventurer exploring caves and the like. And like a good adventurer in a dungeon, you'll want to pick up every item you find there. However, unlike the famous RPG games, here you have limited space in your backpack and you must fit the items harmoniously, as the position in which they are placed is extremely important. Filling your backpack, your objective is to reach the end of the dungeon, collecting everything you can to help you on your adventure.

As a good roguelike, Backpack Hero uses the same factors that make other games in this style successful, such as diversity of items and builds, for example. However, the differential here is the mechanics of the backpack. In a very creative way, we have a fun way to use your items and how to make them synergize. Using the available spaces and rotating the items, you can create combos that will make your life easier. In addition to this variety, we have five characters with different mechanics, which makes the game always different and still leaves the player free to specialize in a style.
The game is in Portuguese-Brazil, which makes it easy to understand the item descriptions. The art is simple and beautiful, with greater emphasis on the characters, but I think it could be more polished. There's something about art that bothers me a little, but I can't say exactly what it is. The interface is even too simple and could also be better worked on.
Backpack Hero has an ending, however, you can continue infinitely after reaching that point in the game. That is, you can spend a lot of time playing, testing and learning about everything you can do. It's a great pastime and a lot of fun. Bearing in mind that the game is in early access, a lot will likely be improved and implemented.

The game, unfortunately, does not have achievements. It may be that when exiting early access, some achievements are added. Being a roguelike game, there are many possibilities for challenges to create achievements and make the game even more interesting.

Backpack Hero is innovative with its backpack mechanics. Combining space management and synergistic items, here's an interesting and well-executed idea. Choosing which items to take with you and which to abandon, while trying to fit everything into the few available spaces is an arduous but rewarding task.
The entire game interface is simple and, as I mentioned earlier, too simple. Missing a few pointers here and there, polishing some aspects of the game, but overall, it's in a very promising direction. If more items and characters are added, we will have a game with a long life.
Knowing that the game is in early access, it's obvious that a lot of things will change, but as it stands, Backpack Hero is already a very good game. With that solid foundation, just improve the game's quality of life and you'll continue on the right path.